Sunday, August 19, 2018

Science and Perceiving God

That "science" doesn't see God isn't an argument. It's a rhetorical trick. Under methodological naturalism science can't see God even if God were standing right in front of it. Science is a procedure which is conducted to detect for laws only. It is incapable of detecting any lawgiver.

An analogy would be lawyers trained to go about the legal libraries looking in various texts with a mission of determining what the laws were. If they were constrained to that process, then by that process they could never detect the human beings- the legislators - who drafted the bills which became those laws. Even if the legislators wandered the halls of the libraries crying out "it was me, I drafted such and such a law" the process of looking at the text for what is written there could not detect them. If the lawyers doing the searching desired to be obstinate and deny the existence of the legislators, they could semi-honestly report back that their search of the laws gave them no indication that any legislators existed.

To see the lawgiver one must take off the "hat" of methodological naturalism and look at things as a human, not very narrowly as a "scientist". If it weren't for sin in our hearts this would be easy to do. This is because the order, diversity, interconnectedness and beauty of nature cries out "there is a Creator God" as mentioned in Romans chapter one. But the respectability of science and what it has done for mankind has allowed some hearts to use this as a shield to prevent them from perceiving that which they ought to see, not as scientists but as men. They can deny the Lawgiver exists because they have found, in their search for the laws, only laws and no Lawgiver. That they could not expect to find a  Lawgiver in a search only for laws is conveniently set aside for the temporary comfort that escape from accountability brings. The pity is that lasting comfort for escape from accountability is only available through that same Lawgiver in the mercy and atonement accessed via faith in Christ.

My book on Early Genesis

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