Thursday, August 25, 2022

Evolution Through Intelligent Design

 Scientists "know" that mammals undergo chromosome re-arrangements from time to time, because they assume that gorillas and humans, for example, evolved from a common ancestor and we have two such differences with gorillas. Humans have a big chromosome that is analogous to two chromosomes in gorillas. The assumption being that natural fused at some point in the line leading to humans. Gorillas have a place where they have two small chromosomes where humans have a larger one. 

Up until this point, they could not get such mutations in mammals Even lab mice have shown no indication of such an event in over 100 years of breeding. (Yet they think mice have these sorts of changes occur more often than humans and gorillas). 

What they did was intelligently design a way to force such changes. This involved inactivating THREE regions which tell the chromosomes how to line up. Then they substituted their own designer instruction set to tell the chromosomes how to line up. In doing so, they were able to merge two chromosomes. They tried it more than one way, but only one way produced viable fertile offspring (albeit with reduced fertility. 

The way researcher Li described it, ""Using an imprint fixed haploid embryonic stem cell platform and gene editing in a laboratory mouse model, we experimentally demonstrated that the chromosomal rearrangement event is the driving force behind species evolution and important for reproductive isolation, providing a potential route for large-scale engineering of DNA in mammals."

That was done AFTER deactivating the triple-redundant gene regions that would normally do the job. How on earth anyone can think this experiment says anything about how nature acting alone could precipitate such changes is beyond me. I don't deny such changes happened, but they happened the same way the ones in this experiment did- through intent from an intelligent designer. 

                                                                     You Tube Channel

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