Monday, April 13, 2020

I Remember When Fundamentalists Were Mocked for This...Monkeys Raft Atlantic!

I saw this article from Science Daily talking about a find of fossilized monkey teeth. The standard view of things has a problem because it is believed based on genetic and fossil evidence that old world monkeys and new world monkeys evolved from a common population in Africa with the split happening perhaps 34 million years ago. Problem: there was already an Atlantic Ocean back then. Almost as big as the one here now.

The answer to this mystery is proposed in the article in the link above...
The monkeys are believed to have made the more than 900-mile trip on floating rafts of vegetation that broke off from coastlines, possibly during a storm.
"This is a completely unique discovery," said Erik Seiffert, the study's lead author and Professor of Clinical Integrative Anatomical Sciences at Keck School of Medicine of USC. "It shows that in addition to the New World monkeys and a group of rodents known as caviomorphs -- there is this third lineage of mammals that somehow made this very improbable transatlantic journey to get from Africa to South America."
I can remember certain creationists proposing similar ideas about the dispersal of animals from the ark of Noah to far-flung places. They were ridiculed relentlessly. Not that I have a dog in that fight because the bible does not really teach that all land animals were on Noah's ark.  Still, the idea that this proposal for monkey dispersal could be tossed out there so easily brings to mind a maxim for internet discussion: Remember, it's only ridiculous when creationists propose it! 

The "Wallace Line" is a thing because animals can't even cross the straight between certain Indonesian Islands. Suggesting that monkeys and other things made repeated journey's over 900 miles of Atlantic ocean in the broiling sun with no fresh water on a mat of vegetation is preposterous. It is just as reasonable to believe that millions of years ago angels or aliens carried populations of monkeys from Africa to South America as part of some master-plan to guide life on this planet. This is just another example of how what we see in nature is not reasonably explained by what we see in nature!


The book is really about the work of Christ in Genesis and not so much the "Creation-Evolution" debate which I believe the Christ-Centered model soars past. But still, I encourage you to buy the book.

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