Sunday, November 21, 2021

Chimp Genes Function Differently, Even if the DNA is the same


The headline declares "New Technique Underlies Genes in Human Evolution".

Strange how perspectives differ. They assume all of the differences, no matter how many they find, are due to "evolution".  I think the article highlights how different humans are from chimps, even if the genes seem identical. The article said they found "thousands" of genes that operate or regulate differently in human brains than in chimp brains. Well, we have maybe 30,000 protein-producing genes total. If "thousands" of them were found to operate differently (even if the underlying gene is identical) then the differences in humans and chimps functionally must be much greater than the 1.5% figure so often cited.

To use an analogy, it is almost like the gene has the job of building a carburetor. Same gene, if put in a push-mower builds one type of carb and the same gene if put in a Corvette builds another. How it expresses is coming from somewhere else. So it doesn't even matter if the genes are "98.5% identical". The gene somehow just says "build a carburetor", what that carburetor looks like depends on other things.  

Ergo, that the parts are the same does not at all demand natural evolution from a common ancestor any more than Briggs and Stratton and a 3.6 liter automobile engine must have even the same designer!
They have put jellyfish genes in mice and developed glowing mice. It isn't because they are closely related, but because the 'language' works. If I insert a word, "lavender" in one story from another in a place where color is a factor, it can still work even if the two stories were not in the same series or about the same subjects. That's because they were written in an intelligently, if haphazardly, designed code called "English". 

The more we learn, the less important similarities in chimpanzee vs human DNA seems to get. 

The book is mostly not about evolution vs. creation, indeed part of it explains how most of the conflict is a false on. It is about something way more important than that- how early Genesis points to the work and person of Christ!

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