Monday, June 27, 2022

Octopi and Human Brain Share Same "Jumping Genes"

 Octopi are intelligent animals. They can rival mammals in intelligence. Shockingly, part of the reason seems to be that they had the same "jumping genes" settle down in a similar manner as humans in their genome

How is it that the same genes, not even retained genes which all the intermediates had, but "jumping genes", can settle down in the same place and do the same things in both humans and octopi? This while skipping all of the supposed intermediates like fish, amphibians, and reptiles? Of course the researchers said "convergent evolution", because when you must adhere to naturalism, every explanation, no matter how implausible, must be a natural one. Did they demonstrate that this was a plausible natural explanation? Nope. They just assumed it. 

To me, it is a red flag for intent. The same jumping genes stopped jumping in the same spot because that was what was needed to produce similar function. It was deliberate. If "evolution" is functional enough to give octopi and eagles a common ancestor then why would it need the same jumping genes to land in the same spot to perform the function? The chances are much higher, if chance it was, that some separate pathway to the same end would have evolved. Especially when you consider the distance in time between them and us, and the difference in environment. 


How about this for evidence for God through events in the natural world, my book on early Genesis shows how when we look at the text through the lens of Chrsit, as He said to, the supposed conflicts between scripture and what science and history tell us about the natural universe resolve beautifully. How could this be unless He is who scripture says and that scripture is inspired by God? 

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